Saving a PowerPoint Presentation
When creating a PowerPoint presentation it is crucial to save your progress and final result. This tutorial will teach you how to do just that.
Change hyperlink color in PowerPoint 2007
Hyperlink are used in presentations when the presenter wants to connect a slide, email address, webpage or file by adding a link in the slide. This link can be done via a picture, graph, text or object. In today’s PowerPoint tutorial however we will be focused on hyperlinks done through text and how to change […]
Resizing a PowerPoint Clip Art
Today’s Tutorial will be based on a question from a reader “If you are given instructions to resize clip art to a specific size (resize a star to 3 inches by 2.5 inches) how do you do this?”
Printing in PowerPoint 2007
Printing in PowerPoint 2007 is a simple and easy process that allows the presenter to print the presentation through a wide range of options.
How to Rehearse Slide Timings in PowerPoint 2007
Sometimes when creating a PowerPoint Presentation, It can be difficult to choose the right timing to give the presentation a natural, organic flow. Lucky for us , PowerPoint 2007 has a rehearsal feature that allows the presenter to get a feel for how long the presentation is, and sets the slide transition timings accordingly based […]
How to create a PowerPoint 2007 template
PowerPoint 2007 comes with a variety of templates to choose from, but you can also create your template that can be added and access for later use. This is especially useful if you find yourself creating the same style presentation over and over. Follow these steps to create you very own PowerPoint 2007 Template
Package a Presentation for CD in PowerPoint 2007
Sharing a presentation with someone without PowerPoint can be problem. However by packing a PowerPoint 2007 presentation to CD makes your presentation viewable on any computer. The reason for this is, when a presentation is packaged a PowerPoint Viewer is included. This viewer allows the presentation to be viewed on any computer. When you package […]
Saving Presentation as a Webpage
PowerPoint provides users with the ability to save their presentations as a Webpage. This allows you to upload you presentation to a web page so others can view it on the web. A case in which this would be useful is an instructor that would like the presentation lecture to be available to his/her students.
Inserting a Chart In PowerPoint 2007
Inserting a chart in PowerPoint 2007 allows the user to show and compare figures in a graphical way. This makes it easier for the audience to interpret the data. To do this, follow these steps.
Insert comments in PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint comments are tags that are inserted into your slides at various points in the presentation. The benefit of this is that If you regularly collaborate with others regarding your presentation, key points can be pointed out for review or notes can be kept for as a reminder for the presenter.
Rotate and Flip objects in PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint gives users the ability to rotate and flip objects. Using the Rotate features allows users to rotate an object such as a text box, image, wordart, etc in 90 degree increments or the free form tool can be used to rotate by any increment.
Grouping Objects in PowerPoint 2007
To work faster, PowerPoint 2007 allows you to group objects such as TextBoxes, Shapes, Images, etc. Whats the point of grouping objects? Grouping allows you to move, resize, add effects multiple objects at once.
Insert table into PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint 2007 provides users with a easy way to organize and group information through the use of tables. This tutorial will teach you how to insert a table into PowerPoint 2007.