Embed YouTube Video into PowerPoint 2007

I have seen quite a few people interested in how to Embed a YouTube video into PowerPoint. Doing this can be a bit tricky but that is what we are here for. Today’s tutorial will focus on how to Embed a YouTube video to your presentation. Lets begin!

Saving a PowerPoint Presentation

When creating a PowerPoint presentation it is crucial to save your progress and final result. This tutorial will teach you how to do just that.

How to create Jeopardy in PowerPoint 2007

Today’s Tutorial will show you how to create a Jeopardy game in PowerPoint 2007. This can be used to add some interactivity and a fun spin your presentations. Lets begin

Create a Venn diagram in PowerPoint 2007

A Venn diagram is used to show multiple groups of sets  and the possible relations with one another. This type of information can be important when demonstrating information to viewers via your presentation. So today we will focus on how to create a Venn diagram in PowerPoint 2007.

Hide PowerPoint Background Graphics

There are times when the background graphic can become a issue for a presenter.  During the presentation the background graphics may distract the audience or even during printing, may cause some difficulty seeing the slides content. This PowerPoint 2007 tutorial will show you how to remove the background graphics so that these kind of problems […]

Resizing a PowerPoint Clip Art

Today’s  Tutorial will be based on a question from a reader “If you are given instructions to resize clip art to a specific size (resize a star to 3 inches by 2.5 inches) how do you do this?”

Insert a Picture in PowerPoint 2007

Today’s PowerPoint tutorial will show you how to add a picture to a PowerPoint 2007 Presentation.

Printing in PowerPoint 2007

Printing in PowerPoint 2007 is a simple and easy process that allows the presenter to print the presentation through a wide range of options.

Create a Custom Show in PowerPoint 2007

Through use of Custom Show in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, presentations can be tailored for multiple audiences. The way PowerPoint does this is the presenter can choose which slides to present to a particular audience. For example, a presentation has a total of 5 slides Group A can be shown only slides 1 , 3, and […]

Inserting a Chart In PowerPoint 2007

Inserting a chart in PowerPoint 2007 allows the user to show and compare figures in a graphical way. This makes it easier for the audience to interpret the data. To do this, follow these steps.

Rotate and Flip objects in PowerPoint 2007

PowerPoint gives users the ability to rotate and flip objects. Using the Rotate features allows users to rotate an object such as a text box, image, wordart, etc in 90 degree increments or the free form tool can be used to rotate by any increment.

The PowerPoint 2007 Interface

This tutorial will consist of a quick over view of the locations and features available on the PowerPoint 2007 interface.

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is located above the Microsoft Ribbon. It contains the most commonly used functions to provide you with much more accessibility.