Create a Timeline in PowerPoint 2007
A timeline is used to illustration certain milestones that happen through a period of time or different steps in a process.
Today’s tutorial shows you how to Create a Basic Timeline in PowerPoint 2007.
- Go to the Insert Tab
- Choose the SmartArt option
This will open a new window pane called Choose a SmartArt Graphic.
- Select the Process option
- Choose Basic Timeline and hit Ok
Once that is done the Basic Timeline is added to the PowerPoint slide. Located at the left of the Timeline is bullet points. It is these bullets that will represent the different points in the Timeline.
If you were to delete a bullet point, the time line adjusts by removing that point, as seen below.
If you add a bullet point the timeline adjusts by adding another point, as seen below
Once you have the perfect amount of points just click anywhere else on the slide to remove the configuration window and BAM! you..are…all…done!
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