Archive for December, 2009

Hide a slide in PowerPoint 2007

In PowerPoint 2007, Perhaps there is a slide in the presentation that may be incomplete or a slide that may not be suited for a specific audience. Is there a way to hide a slide in PowerPoint, rather than the alternative of deleting? Yes there is. There are 2 ways to hide a slide in […]

How to crop an image in PowerPoint 2007

Cropping an image in PowerPoint 2007 is quick and easy, once the image is inserted into the presentation, follow these steps.

How to record narration in PowerPoint 2007

Recording narration in PowerPoint is great feature for PowerPoint 2007 that allows you to add a personal recording to a slide, this is perfect for times when the presenter will not be present. This method allows you to grasp the audience attention, and can separated a great PowerPoint presentation from an amazing one. Important: To […]

Custom Animation in Powerpoint

A custom animation is group of effects that can be added to an object in PowerPoint. In this tutorial we will show you how add a custom animation to your PowerPoint presentation.

Insert an Excel worksheet into PowerPoint 2007

To insert a New Excel worksheet into PowerPoint, go to the slide you like to insert the worksheet into then follow these steps.

Change the default font in PowerPoint 2007

In PowerPoint 2007, whenever you add a new text box the text is defaulted to Calibri, font size: 18. This makes it difficult for users that want to add their own style to their presentation because each time you add a text box you will need to manually change the font type and size.  This […]

How to Convert PowerPoint to Word

Converting a PowerPoint to a Microsoft Word document is a simple task, which will be show to you in this tutorial. This is another way to provide handouts to your audience and also decreases the size of your presentation if you wanted to email it to a colleague or friend to review the content of […]

How do I loop a PowerPoint presentation?

There are times that you want to have your presentation run unattended, such as at trade shows in which you would give information about a product or service that may be at the show. How do you this? Well the solution is to loop the PowerPoint presentation. This PowerPoint 2007 tutorial shows you how to […]

Automatic slide transition in PowerPoint 2007

This is a short tutorial on how to get your slides to automatically transition between one another without you having to perform any click action.

Compress images in PowerPoint 2007

PowerPoint presentations can be larger than expected at times, especially ones that include many photos and images. At times like this reducing the size of the images is a good idea. This reduces the size of your presentation, making it easier to email, and easier for computers to run. So let’s get started!

How do I add password protection to PowerPoint?

Let’s say you’re in a situation where your computer is access by multiple people and would like to protect your presentation from being viewed by others, password protection for your PowerPoint is the way to go. So how do you password protect a Presentation?

Embed sound in PowerPoint 2007

To embed sound into PowerPoint 2007, the sound file has to be in a “.WAV” format and not “.MP3”. If it is an mp3 file, the file will be linked rather than embedded. PowerPoint has no way to perform this conversion so to convert your .mp3 to a .wav file you will need a sound […]